<h3> Hi, I'm Xingxin He<a href="https://www.youtube.com/@hex.16" target="_blank">(hex.16)</a>!<img src="https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExd20wY3Y2dzVtdzdjbHBoYnZwcmFocm8xdWN0Z3E1MWJrcjVtZzUwNCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/LmBsnpDCuturMhtLfw/giphy.gif" width="100"></h3>
<img align='right' src="https://publish-01.obsidian.md/access/1fc83914eeaf760efffa7692b390bffc/assets/me_portrait_by_yiluo.png" width="230">
<p><em>Philomath in geometry, Software Enginner at <a href="https://www.autodesk.com/sg/products/revit/architecture">Autodesk Inc.</a><img src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/
[email protected]/icons/autodeskrevit.svg" width="20">
I write bugs🐛/notes🗒️/ideas💡 here. If you are looking for visual content, see my [portfolio](https://xingxinhe.com/) .
<a href="https://blog.xingxinhe.com/2025/01/how-to-derive-the-perspective-matrix-with-2-observations" class="plain">
<h5>How to Derive the Perspective Matrix with 2 Observations?</h5>
<p>In Computer Graphics , the perspective matrix is a key tool that transforms the view frustum into a rectangular cuboid like so... (keep reading)👈</p>
### Writing
#### 2025
- [[How I Decide How Much Coffee to Drink a Day|How I Decide How Much Coffee to Drink a Day?]]
- [[What We Can Learn from von Neumann's Strengths and Struggles|What We Can Learn from von Neumann's Strengths and Struggles?]]
- [[How to Derive the Perspective Matrix with 2 Observations|How to Derive the Perspective Matrix with 2 Observations?]]
- [[3 Lines of Code Convince You to Use RAII in C++]]
- [[Boost My Productivity Using PowerToys Day 3 - Registry Preview]]
- [[Boost My Productivity Using PowerToys Day 4 - Peek]]
- [[The Triad of Systems - Input, Process, Output|The Triad of Systems: Input, Process, Output]]
- [[Use WebP to Save 30% Disk Space of Your Obsidian Vault]]
- [[Boost My Productivity Using PowerToys Day 5 - FancyZones]]
- [[Unit Cube and Canonical Cube are Different]]
- [[Building Antifragile System]]
#### 2024
- [[How to concatenate C++ std bitset|How to concatenate C++ std::bitset?]]
- [[Use the Limit Comparison Test when the Direct Comparison Test is not applicable]]
- [[Exploring the LRU Algorithm - A Journey into Cache Management|Exploring the LRU Algorithm: A Journey into Cache Management]]
- [[Play with Azure Synapse Analytics]]
- [[When You See 403, Immediately Think of These...]]
- [[How I Setup My Obsidian Publish|How I Setup My Obsidian Publish?]]
- [[Boost My Productivity Using PowerToys Day 1 - Shortcut Guide]]
- [[Boost My Productivity Using PowerToys Day 2 - Screen Ruler]]
- [[The Pitfall of Using C++ min and min_element - A Cautionary Tale|The Pitfall of Using C++ std::min and std::min_element - A Cautionary Tale]]
#### 2023
- [[Understand Arc Length Parameterization via Rhino Grasshopper]]
- [[2 Professors Suggest Me Learning by Doing]]
- [[My Friend Li Lei Decides to Learn Artificial Intelligence]]
- [[Will ChatGPT Express Itself with Emojis|Will ChatGPT Express Itself with Emojis?]]
#### 2022
- [[What is RhinoInside® - Explain via a Console Program|What is RhinoInside®? Explain via a Console Program]]
#### 2020
- [[Perspective Projection - My First Lesson towards Computer Graphics|Perspective Projection: My First Lesson towards Computer Graphics]]